Why Did You Have To Go?!

Why did I let you go?!
You kept a smile on my face!
When I was with you,
I felt as if nothing mattered!
Why did I let you go?!
You made me feel so good!
As long as you were around,
I felt I could handle anything!
Why did I let you go?!
You kept my tears at bay!
Now that your gone,
My tears easily overflow!
Dear Prozac, what was I thinking?!
Ah, life without Prozac. I’m so glad I stopped taking it, but I gotta tell ya…it’s definitely an adjustment!! A simple trip to Walmart, for example, has the potential to make my blood boil, my middle finger fly up, and ungodly words flow easily from my mouth! It seems I now have very little tolerance for rudeness,disrespect, meanness, and/or ignorance. Needless to say,  the Prozac has now been replaced with blood pressure pills! However, it’s my belief that, although sometimes medicine is necessary, it sometimes numbs more than what’s needed.
Since I’ve been off Prozac, I feel as if I can hear from God much better, and I feel way more creative! I was hoping to write more songs and poetry, maybe do some painting, sing more, or even dance!! Nah, there’s not enough creative juices in the whole world to help me dance well! However, as much as I want to (and in my delusional mind THINK I can) do with my rediscovered creativeness, it seems as if all that juice is having to go towards warding off ripping stupid people new ones! I gotta say, apparently Prozac helped me overlook a boat load of stupid! Smh
Word of warning to y’all; if you happen to see me out and about and my face is red, I’m walking really fast, and I seem to have a slight twitch and be mumbling to myself???? RUN THE OTHER WAY! And for the love of all that is good and holy, PRAY HARD for the poor (most likely unsuspecting) person who’s about to get a new three bedroom, two bath, double wide, new one ripped!
I’m mostly kidding :-). Seriously, we have a responsibility when it comes to our tolerance of others. No matter how stupid we may feel someone is, we’re the only person who’s responsible for our actions! How we react to people, and various situations, is our choice! If we find ourselves in a situation that’s about to cause us to blow, first we need to pray! If that doesn’t seem to work call friends and family and get them to pray! Quote scripture. Yell it at the top of your lungs if you have to! Yeah, people walking by you in Walmart might think your a little nuts, but it’s better than going to jail for assault! And here’s an interesting concept…LEAVE! We can’t blame others for our actions. Even though, in my opinion, sometimes is seems legit to do so. Ijs
That being said, I hope y’all have a great day with, or without meds! I hope your day is filled with lovely, caring, beautiful and patient people! And if it’s not, I hope you allow God to help you see them as such no matter how stupid they really are :-)!

With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love…Ephesians 4:2
Be ready at all times, and tell people what they need to do. Tell them when they are wrong. Encourage them with great patience and careful teaching, 2 Timothy 4:2

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