Polished Turds. Oh, what a filtered web we weave!

I want to start this blog with a confession. One of the reasons I haven’t been writing much is because I’ve started to sleep late. Never in my life have I been a late sleeper! There are a few other factors as to why I haven’t been writing much, and maybe I’ll cover those later, who knows. All I know is this, the older we get, the more things change! I also know this! The more we try to do what God wants us to do, the more crap happens!! This morning alone has been one big 💩show already!

First, Barbara, my cat, pukes in the floor. Three piles. Right in the walkway. 🤢 Then I go to make coffee, put my creamer and sweetener in the cup, place the cup under the Keurig, only to realize I need to add water. Somehow as I’m adding the water, I knock my cup into the floor🤬. On top of the mess I now have to clean up, I’m afraid I’ll wake my husband, Steve! I need him to stay in the bed until I finish this blog! He makes way too much noise when he’s awake😁. As I reach for the broom, to clean up the coffee mess, I knock the dog leash into the empty food bowl which, of course, makes a loud racket🤬. I haven’t even started my day and I’m already BITTER! As you can see though, I’m not going to let a little bitterness, and quite possibly a few cuss words, stop me from doing what God wants me to do! Nope! If I let bitterness and cussing stop me, I’d be in a corner, in fetal position for most of my life!! Anyway, here’s what I want y’all to know.

Meme Me Blazer!

If you are on social media at all, then you know how “important” memes are. About every other post on Facebook and Instagram is a meme. I have a very diverse group of friends on fb, so I see many, many different variety of memes. Some are uplifting, some are funny, some are disgusting and some should just be banned😳. I saw one the other day that got me to thinking. Take a look👇🏽

This meme spoke to me. Let me explain.

We live in a very filtered world. Social media allows us to share our lives with everyone. Most of the time it’s only the good. And hey, I get it! People don’t want constant negativity, or over sharing on social media, but we all know that in most cases, what we see is not reality. At least not the complete reality. We all know the drill(s). The couples who are extremely mushy on Facebook are usually the ones having the most troubles. The mom constantly over bragging on her children are the ones who probably just snapped at one of them for something little. The people posting countless selfies are typically the ones struggling the most with self image. We’ve all been guilty! Let’s face it, it’s nice being able to pick and choose what people get to see! I believe we get used to a certain image, and let’s be real for a minute, we like having people think we have it all together, right? The thing is, I believe God did not intend for us to live filtered lives!

Au Naturel

With all the filtering going on it’s sometimes difficult to be real with people. Y’all, we need to be real! Sometimes people just need to know they’re not the only ones who struggle. Sometimes we just need to see that “perfect” friend break down. And if you’re not hanging out with people you can’t get real with, find new friends! I cant reiterate that enough! Don’t keep hanging out with people who won’t love you at your worst! They’re not real friends! You don’t need them! Bye Felicia! And for the love of all things holy; ladies, stop filtering all the pics you post on social media! Some of you are barely recognizable in person. Ijs 😁.

*But the Lord said to me, “My grace is enough for you. When you are weak, my power is made perfect in you.” So I am very happy to brag about my weaknesses. Then Christ’s power can live in me. For this reason I am happy when I have weaknesses, insults, hard times, sufferings, and all kinds of troubles for Christ. Because when I am weak, then I am truly strong. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

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